As you explore the Nature Island, our tall green grass is likely to catch your attention. Bamboo is quite abundant on Dominica and also the world’s fastest-growing and tallest grass.
This natural treasure is used for construction, furniture, cooking, clothing, art, weapons and medicine. At our beach, restaurant and spa, we take full advantage of this resource!
Cooking with Bamboo
To prepare bamboo, you must remove the outside husk, as you would with an ear of corn. The inside shoots are both tender and bitter and should be boiled for 20-30 minutes, uncovered.
At Zaaman, Chef Seraphine’s latest offering is the Chickpea Bamboo Brown Rice Veggie Burger. Made with slivers of bamboo shoot, this vegetarian meal is both healthy and delicious.
Bamboo Massages
Our Massage Trainer, Alma, also uses bamboo to deliver eco-friendly massages at Glo Spa. The bamboo creates extreme relaxation, improves skin texture and helps relieve physical tension. In fact, bamboo is known as the body’s natural pain killer. Using ancient technique, the majestic grass will completely rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.
Our Bamboo Beach Hut
Located next to the turtle hatchery on our black sand beach, this hut was a collaboration between Broadreach International, Miami University, NET and Rosalie Bay Resort. This strong shelter was constructed completely from bamboo and is a great spot for patrollers to keep watch.
Benefits of Bamboo
- Controls cholesterol and aids in weight loss
- Reduces risk of cancer
- Strengthens immune system
- Rich in anti-inflammatory properties
- Helps improve cardiovascular health
- Effective against respiratory disease
- Provides relief from stomach ailments
- Cures snake and scorpion bites
Visit our wellness resort to experience this valuable resource and its many benefits!