Dominica Tour Spotlight: Indian River

One of the tours you can enjoy on your Dominica vacation at Rosalie Bay Resort is the Indian River. The Indian River in Portsmouth is a relaxing tour immersed in nature. Approximately 1.5 hours from Rosalie Bay Resort, the Indian River is a mix of fresh and salt water deep in the Morne Diablotin national park.

No motorized boats are allowed in the river, creating a tranquil space where you only hear the sounds of birds and trees rustling. A certified tour guide, such as Cobra tours, will paddle you up the river through the mangroves and wetlands.

Along the way, the knowledgeable guide will share details about the many types of birds, animals and plants found along the river. Rosalie Bay Resort Tour Guide Zahir says, “The best part of the tour is the wildlife you see going upstream.”

When the boat reaches the end, you can get out to walk through a garden. There’s also a restaurant to enjoy local snacks and cool refreshments, such as the strong “Dynamite” rum punch. But as Zahir jokes, “Be careful how much you take because you may explode.”

To get a first-hand account of the Indian River tour, check out this recent article on Green Global Travel.












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