Wellness Wednesday: Bountiful Breadfruit

Weekly tips to bring island-inspired wellness into your everyday life from the wellness and spa team at Rosalie Bay Resort, Dominica. Post written by Spa Therapist Alma George.

Breadfruit. Some like it boiled, some like it roasted, but I love it fried. In Dominica we are blessed with this sweet, creamy food that the locals share with each other. When it is in season we have an abundance of it, as one fully grown tree bears more than 100 fruit each season.

Almost every backyard on the island has a breadfruit tree. The tree grows tall with many branches and can survive disasters. Its fruit is generally green and round, weighing between 2 and 5 lbs. However, it can vary in shape, size and color.

Like the dasheen and tania, it is a staple food that locals enjoy with codfish and smoked herring. It is also a popular dish during our Independence celebrations.

Luckily, this abundant fruit also has several health benefits. Breadfruit contains:

Breadfruit Tree at Rosalie Bay on Dominica

  • Fiber, which aids in digestion and can help reduce blood pressure, obesity and cholesterol
  • Vitamin C, a strong antioxidant that helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents
  • Potassium, a mineral that plays an important part of cell and body fluid and helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure
  • Protein, an adequate amount, and plenty of calories for good nutrition

When you visit Rosalie Bay and our Zamaan restaurant, try this in-season and abundant Dominican breadfruit. Whatever way you wish to have it prepared, just ask our experienced chefs and they will thrill your taste buds. Eat it as a food or enjoy as a juice. The possibilities are nearly endless!

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