Weekly tips to bring island-inspired wellness into your everyday life from the wellness and spa team at Rosalie Bay Resort, Dominica. Post written by Spa and Wellness Coordinator Laura Lund.
Think about the last meal you ate.
What were you eating? Where were you? Were you watching television? Chatting with friends?
These days it’s easy to keep your head in your technological devices while you eat, even while you sit at a table full of people. All of these distractions keep us from paying attention to how much we eat and make it easier to overeat.
The next time you sit down to a meal try to stay completely present, without distractions, and tune in completely to your food and the process of eating.
Set your fork down between bites. Chew your food until it dissolves. Breathe, perhaps even close your eyes, and really sense the sensations of the food. How does it make you feel?
If we paid more attention to how our food makes us feel, would we eat things that are not healthy?
Try to spend the first five minutes eating mindfully and eat, just eat.