Wellness Wednesday: Stress and Your Body

Weekly tips to bring island-inspired wellness into your everyday life from the wellness and spa team at Rosalie Bay Resort, Dominica. Post written by Spa Therapist Alma George.

Throughout our lifetime we all experience some level of stress, but we must learn how to manage it. Stress is a normal part of our lives. It is the body’s reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response either mentally, emotionally or physically. It can be experienced from our environment, body and thoughts.

Stress can be positive, keeping us aware and ready to overcome danger. But it becomes negative when one faces ongoing challenges with no relief or relaxation between these challenges. So how can we identify stress?

10 common signs of stress:

  1. Frequent headaches, jaw clenching or pain
  2. Neck ache, back pain or muscle spasm
  3. Chest pain, palpitation or rapid pulse
  4. Insomnia, nightmares or disturbing dreams
  5. Forgetfulness, disorganization and confusionSunrise at Rosalie Bay Resort on Dominica
  6. Increased or decreased appetite
  7. Reduced work efficiency or productivity
  8. Weight loss or gain without diet
  9. Decreased sexual drive
  10. Social withdrawal and isolation

Stress can be threatening to our health. Therefore, it is important to find ways to manage our stress level. But how?

6 ways to manage stress:

  1. Keep a positive attitude
  2. Accept that there are events in our lives that we just can’t control
  3. Learn and practice relaxation techniques e.g. yoga and meditation
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Eat healthy, well balanced meals
  6. Experience nature, and make time for hobbies and interests

If you are one of the many who experience stress, it is important to take time off from your busy schedule. We invite you to relax on a vacation with us at Rosalie Bay Resort. Our Wellness team is happy to assist you with your goal of having a stress free, healthy life.

Not only will you enjoy the comfort of our peaceful rooms, but also healthful, organic cuisine in our open-air restaurant, opportunities to exercise at our fitness center and relax with spa services and yoga classes.

Our peaceful setting on Dominica, with the soothing sounds of the ocean and river, is an ideal place to effectively release your stress.

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