Month: December 2016

Scenes of the Nature Island

Happy New Year from your friends at Rosalie Bay Resort

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Wellness Wednesday: Dasheen

What is dasheen? Dasheen is the most common form of taro root and is a local staple here on the Nature Island. Grown in abundance, its popularity continues to grow in health-conscious cultures and regions, including at our wellness resort. […]

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Enhance your Romance with Cacao Tea

All you need is love and a little Cacao Tea – an aphrodisiac offered at Rosalie Bay Resort. The word aphrodisiac comes from the name of the Greek Goddess of sexual love and beauty, Aphrodite, and this natural treat offers the […]

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Recipe: Dominica Christmas Traditional Tripe Soup

At Rosalie Bay, we like to savor the holiday season with a traditional Dominican dish: Tripe Soup. Prepared by our beloved Chef Seraphine, this classic dish will warm your heart and is sure to get you into a festive mood! […]

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