Wellness Wednesday: Enhance Your Balance
Weekly tips to bring island-inspired wellness into your everyday life from Rosalie Bay Resort wellness coordinator Laura Lund. We’ve all heard it gets harder to balance as we age, yet the more we practice the easier it gets. But does […]
Dominica Tour Spotlight: Hike to Boiling Lake
The Boiling Lake on Dominica is one of the most popular, and advanced, hikes for adventure travelers. (One of the other advanced hikes on Dominica, though not as famous, is Bolive Falls. Oscar and journalist Jeanine Barone attempted this adventurous […]
Wellness Wednesday: Make Exercise Fun
Weekly tips to bring island-inspired wellness into your everyday life from Rosalie Bay Resort wellness coordinator Laura Lund. We all know exercise is good for us, but if you’ve fallen off the exercise wagon perhaps the following may help. Regular […]
Discovering a new trail with Oscar
Guests who have visited our Dominica luxury hotel know what a wealth of local knowledge (Papa) Oscar is about Dominica. From adventurous hikes to local cuisine and culture, he’s a fantastic source. So when Oscar recently decided to try out a […]